{% set ga = true %} {% for tag in product.tags %}{% if tag.name == "ga" %}{% set ga = false %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} {% if product.cover and product.active == 1 and product.description != "" and ga and product.deliveryTime.min > 4 %} {% if product.extensions.gbmedEnev %} {% for gbmedEnev in product.extensions.gbmedEnev %} {{ gbmedEnev.class|upper }} {{ gbmedEnev.spectrumFrom|upper }} {{ gbmedEnev.spectrumTo|upper }} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% set shortCode = product.unit.shortCode|lower %} {% if shortCode == "stk" %} {% set shortCode = "ct" %} {% endif %} {{ product.purchaseUnit }}{{shortCode}} {{product.referenceUnit}}{{shortCode}} {% endif %} {{ product.productNumber }} {{ product.translated.name|escape }} {% if product.description != "" %}{{ product.translated.description|escape }}{% else %}{{ product.translated.name|escape }}{% endif %} {% if product.categories.first and product.keywords %} {{ product.keywords.first }} {{ product.categories.first.getBreadCrumb|slice(1)|join(">")|raw|escape }} {% endif %} {{ seoUrl("frontend.detail.page", {"productId": product.id}) }} {{ product.cover.media.url }} new {% if product.categories.first and product.categories.first.getBreadCrumb|slice(1)[0] is defined %} {{ product.categories.first.getBreadCrumb|slice(1)[0]|raw|escape }}{% endif %} {% if product.categories.first and product.categories.first.getBreadCrumb|slice(1)[1] is defined %} {{ product.categories.first.getBreadCrumb|slice(1)[1]|raw|escape }}{% endif %} in_stock {% set price = product.calculatedPrice %}{% if product.calculatedPrices.count > 0 %}{% set price = product.calculatedPrices.last %}{% endif %} {{ price.unitPrice|number_format(context.currency.itemRounding.decimals, ".", "") }} {{ context.currency.isoCode }} {{ product.manufacturer.translated.name|escape }} {{ product.ean }} {{ product.manufacturerNumber }} {% set foo = 6.90 %} {% for tag in product.tags %}{% if tag.name == "VK10" %}{% set foo = 6.90 %}{% endif %}{% if tag.name == "VK20" %}{% set foo = 9.90 %}{% endif %}{% if tag.name == "VK30" %}{% set foo = 59.90 %}{% endif %}{% endfor %} DE Standard {{ foo|currency }} {% endif %}